I participated in the 24th Annual conference of The Network of Institutes and School of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) in Prague on May 24th and 25th, 2019 with the keynote presentation „Public Policy in Troubled Waters“ and another presentation „Deficiencies of forward looking EU policies“.
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THE AILING WELFARE STATE The Role of Politicians and Experts in the Preparation of the Czech Pension Reform Potůček, M., Rudolfová, V. The Role of Politicians and Experts in the Preparation of the Czech Pension Reform. In: Sánches-Cabeduzo, S. S., López Peláez, A. (Eds.) 2017. The Ailing Welfare State. Navarra: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. pp. 165-190….
THE NISPACEE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY Rivalry of Advocacy Coalitions in the Czech Pension Reform Potůček, M. – Rudolfová, V. Rivalry of Advocacy Coalitions in the Czech Pension Reform. The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 2016, roč. IX, č. 1, pp. 117 – 134. ISSN 1337-9038. Rivalry of…
The First Cross-National Research Seminar of International Network for Social Policy Teaching and Research
I will participate in the First Cross-National Seminar on Social Policy Teaching and Research, organized by International University of Andalucia, Sevilla, Spain, November 16-17, 2015, with the contribution “Pension reforms: Dilemmas and Discourses” (co-authored by Veronika Rudolfová).
Czech pension reform: how to reconcile equivalence with fiscal discipline
CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY Czech Pension Reform: How to Reconcile Equivalence with Fiscal Discipline Stáhnout Vol 9, No 1 (2015) v pdf. nebo článek str. 180 – 195 pdf. Potůček, M. – Rudolfová, V. Czech Pension Reform: How to Reconcile Equivalence with Fiscal Discipline. Central European Journal of Public Policy, 2015, roč….
Catching up in securing excellence: the case of EUSOC in Central and Eastern Europe
p. 96-115 Kreidl, M. – Možný, I. – Potůček, M. – Sirovátka, T. Catching up in securing excellence: the case of EUSOC in Central and Eastern Europe. Zeitschrift für Staats und Europawissenschaften, 2014, roč. 12, č. 1, s. 96-115. ISSN 1610-7780.