Diversity and Commonality in European Social Policies: The forging of a European Social Model Golinowska, St., Hengstenberg, P., Zukowski, M. (eds.) Warsaw: Wydawnicztwo Naukowe Scholar and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. (2009) The Czech national model of the Welfare State. Tradition and changes, pp. 33-69. Kapitola analyzuje zvláštnosti vývoje české sociální politiky (především jejích historických kořenů, hodnot,…
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Capacities of Governance in the Czech Republic
M. Potůček (editor) Matfyzpress, Praha 2008 This book is devoted to the problems and perspectives of governance in the Czech Republic. Domestically, specific factors arise from the stresses, demands and handicaps of this transformation. Internationally, the main contextual factor ― apart from globalisation ― is the integration of the country into the institutional structures and…
Decision Theory and Social Policy Dynamics
Decision Theory and Social Policy Dynamics (Teorie rozhodování a dynamika sociální politiky, Jiří Winkler, Masaryk University, Brno 2007, 244 p.)Central European Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 2, No. 1, July 2008, pp. 82-85.
The Czech republic tradition compatible with modernisation?
The Europeanisation of Social Protection Kvist and J. Saari (editors)Bristol, The Policy Press 2007 As is the case with other national models, the Czech social policy model is an outcome of historical legacies, decisions made in different times by various actors, filtered by street-level implementation capacities and mirrored by public reflections of its operations and…
Czech public policy as a scientific discipline and object of research
Potůček M. Central European Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007 CESES FSV UK Download Czech public policy as a scientific discipline and object of research in pdf. This article sums up the development of public policy as a scientific discipline and object of research and instruction in the Czech Republic. This is…
Czech social reform after 1989: Concepts and Reality
La réforme sociale tchéque después 1989: principes et réalitéDie tschechische Sozialreform nach 1989: Konzept und WirklichkeitLa reforma social checa después de 1989: conceptos y realidad Potůček M.International Social Security Review, Vol. 54, No. 2-3, 2001, pp. 81-105Revue Internationale de Sécurité Sociale, Vol. 54, No. 2-3, 2001, pp. 95-121Internationale Revue für Soziale Sicherheit , Vol. 54,…