The Europeanisation of Social Protection J. Saari (editor) Helsinky, University Printing House 2006 As is the case with other national models, the Czech social policy model is an outcome of historical legacies, decisions made in different times by various actors, filtered by street-level implementation capacities and mirrored by public reflections of its operations and effects….
Category: Publications
Public Policy: Bridge over Troubled Water?
Institutional Requirements and Problem Solving in the Public Administration of the Enlarged European Union and Its Neighbours G. Jenei, A. Barabashev, F. van den Berg (editors)Bratislava, NISPAcee 2005 Edited volume of papers. A public lecture on the occasion of the granting of the Alena Brunovská Award for Teaching Excellence in Public Administration at the 12th…
The Capacities to Govern in Central and Eastern Europe
Enhancing the Capacities to Govern: Challenges Facing the CEE Countries M. Bryane, R. Kattel, W. Drechsler (editors) Bratislava, NISPAcee 2004 Edited volume of selected papers from the 11th NISPAcee Annual Conference (Bucharest 2003). The chapter presents results of the expert survey conducted during the 11th Annual NISPAcee Conference. It compares capacities of governance in Estonia,…
Health Policy Reforms in the Czech and Slovak Republic As a Political Process
Small TransformationsThe Politics of Welfare Reform – East and West. J. M. Kovacs (editor) Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-London, LIT 2003available also at The chapter deals with the paths of the health policy reforms in the Czech and Slovak Republics after 1989. It focuses on the political process of negotiations between key political actors, the nature of…
Priority Issues and Strategic Concepts of the Development of the Czech Republic
National Visions and Strategies Ch.S. Chung, J. Park (editors)Seoul, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, OECD & World Bank 2003 Outcome of the systematic effort of the CESES team to identify key priorities and core public strategies for the Czech Republic.
Arbeitslose Jugendliche und der gemeinnützuge Sektor in der Tschechischen Republik: Zukünftige Potentiale und Probleme
Strategien gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit im internationalen Vergleich Strategies against Youth Unemployment: An International Comparison C. Groth, W. Maennig (editors) Frankfurt am Main-Berlin-Bern-Bruxelles-New York-Oxford-Wien, Lang 2001 Arbeitslose Jugendliche und der gemeinnützuge Sektor in der Tschechischen Republik: Zukünftige Potentiale und Probleme (pp. 187-198) The contribution analyses the conditions and factors of youth unemployment in the Czech Republic. Special…