THE NISPACEE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY Rivalry of Advocacy Coalitions in the Czech Pension Reform Potůček, M. – Rudolfová, V. Rivalry of Advocacy Coalitions in the Czech Pension Reform. The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 2016, roč. IX, č. 1, pp. 117 – 134. ISSN 1337-9038. Rivalry of…
Category: Scientific articles
Czech pension reform: how to reconcile equivalence with fiscal discipline
CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY Czech Pension Reform: How to Reconcile Equivalence with Fiscal Discipline Stáhnout Vol 9, No 1 (2015) v pdf. nebo článek str. 180 – 195 pdf. Potůček, M. – Rudolfová, V. Czech Pension Reform: How to Reconcile Equivalence with Fiscal Discipline. Central European Journal of Public Policy, 2015, roč….
Catching up in securing excellence: the case of EUSOC in Central and Eastern Europe
p. 96-115 Kreidl, M. – Možný, I. – Potůček, M. – Sirovátka, T. Catching up in securing excellence: the case of EUSOC in Central and Eastern Europe. Zeitschrift für Staats und Europawissenschaften, 2014, roč. 12, č. 1, s. 96-115. ISSN 1610-7780.
Will global public policy arise from global crisis?
CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICYSpecial Issue on Economic Crisis and Public Policy The global crisis has gravely affected and continues to affect the lives of people around the planet. Some authors see it as an opportunity to change the paradigm for interpreting the problems of contemporary societies as well as the ensuing governance. In…
The Concept of the Neo-Weberian State Confronted by the Multi-Dimensional Concept of Governance.
The Concept of the Neo-Weberian State Confronted by the Multi-Dimensional Concept of Governance. The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy. Special Issue: A Distinctive European Model? The Neo-Weberian State.Vol. I, No. 2, Winter 2008/2009, pp. 83-94. The paper confronts the concept of Neo-Weberian state (based on the public administration school of thought) by the…
Czech public policy as a scientific discipline and object of research
Potůček M. Central European Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007 CESES FSV UK Download Czech public policy as a scientific discipline and object of research in pdf. This article sums up the development of public policy as a scientific discipline and object of research and instruction in the Czech Republic. This is…